Marina Sassi Portfolio
Stick horses
Flower Fairies
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Painting is responding to a need, an impulse of the soul.

Painting is a language of the soul. Painting is painful and dangerous business. It lays bare unexplored territories of consciousness, moves deep feelings and emotions. It exposes and disposes.

Painting is also and perhaps above all a "saving one's life", because it is a path within oneself, in surprising places where one learns and builds with effort and love an ever new and compelling awareness of the things of life and the world.

Painting is opening a door and letting in (or out) powerful energies that speak unpredictable languages, never trivial and totally independent of your will.

To paint is to find one's own freedom, true and complete. To paint is to speak a sincere language, your own language, unique and unrepeatable, the language that is silent in everyday life, constantly overwhelmed by duties, conditioning, customs and conventional life models, homologated and homologating, but that inside struggles, grows, asks to go out.